Sunday, December 27, 2015

PBwiki Test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of PBwiki Test of Upwork. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork PBwiki Test answers of 2016.

Question:* A ____ can edit pages and revert pages to previous versions. They can also upload new files and create new pages. They cannot perform any action that cannot be undone.

Question:* On a _____ wiki anyone can see the pages and files on the wiki.

Question:* The ____ tab lets you make changes to your wiki page.

Question:* Turning on the _______ setting allows only administrators to view a page.

Question:* True or False: PBwiki titles can be changed.

Question:* You can upload multiple files on a wiki by going to "Upload/View Files" and clicking on the ________ link.

Question:* The ____ shortcut saves the page.

Question:* The ______ plugin allows you to easily add citations to your wiki page.

Question:* True or False: You can retain page comments if you rename a page.

Question:* The _____ menu allows admins to invite people to the wiki with writer level access.

Question:* A ______ editor is a type of wiki editor.

Question:* The ______ box on my PBwiki Accounts allows me to add multiple wikis to my PBwiki Accounts.

Question:* Turning on the _______ setting allows only administrators to edit a page.

Question:* True or False: Email addresses are case-sensitive:

Question:* True or False: A premium wiki has access to the color picker tool.

Question:* To link to a page on your wiki, you will need to choose the _____ link type.

Question:* Your organization has a strong spam filter. ______ emails from will allow them to come through.

Question:* A plugin is.

Question:* The _____ menu tracks changes made to a wiki.

Question:* _____ are characters not allowed in page names.

Question:* A plugin from Google's directory of plugins can be added to your wiki using the _______ plugin.

Question:* Wiki logo images can only be _______ in height.

Question:* True or False: PBwiki wiki URLs can be changed.

Question:* The Table of Contents plugin bases its hierarchy on _____.

Question:* The _____ button in edit mode allows you to work "behind the scenes" on your wiki page.

Question:* The ______ link will bring you to the administrative functions of a specific wiki.

Question:* An ______ is a trusted helper who is highly privileged on the wiki. They can rename or delete pages, files and folders. They cannot alter user permissions. They should be highly trusted, since they can delete your data irrevocably.

Question:* The "PB" in PBwiki originally stood for..?

Question:* I can log into my PBwiki Accounts by going to:

Question:* True or False: Renaming a page breaks all links to that page.

Question:* The ______ checkbox on my PBwiki Accounts allows me to set wiki-wide notification settings.

Question:* The ______ setting on my wiki allows me to set just my notification settings.

Question:* A _____ user has no special access to any part of the wiki until they are explicitly given access to a page or a folder with the Custom Security setting.

Question:* To link to an external website, you will need to chose the _____ link type.

Question:* ______ are browsers PBwiki supports.

Question:* Tagging a page _____ will make it appear as a template.

Question:* The ______ plugin allows you to easily insert HTML code on your wiki page.

Question:* Who can delete a comment?

Question:* True or False: PBwiki offers RSS feeds of wiki pages.

Question:* Checking the box labeled "_____" will enable you to sort your table.

Question:* A ______ is a snapshot of your computer screen.

Question:* Choose "Image Properties" and enter the text into the "Alternative Text" field will create an ______ on your image.

Question:* True or False: PBwiki 2.0 uses invite keys.

Question:* The _____ menu allows users to sort their wiki pages into groups.

Question:* On a _____ wiki only invited users can see the pages and files on the wiki.

Question:* The ______ link allows you to see a list of all pages on your wiki.

Question:* You can set a wiki logo by going to _______ and then clicking on the ______ link.

Question:* The ______ is a special wiki page that appears in the right panel section of all wiki pages.

Question:* _______ are acceptable image types for profile picture uploads.

Question:* True or False: PBwiki Accounts passwords are case-sensitive:

Question:* True or False: You can upload videos to a PBwiki.

Question:* A _____ cannot make any modifications at all to a wiki. They can view pages, RSS feeds, and files. They can also see the history of changes that have been made to a page.

Question:* To link to an email address, you will need to choose the _____ link type.

Question:* True or False: You can still create a 1.0 wiki.

Question:* The ______ menu allows me to change the colors of a table cell.

Question:* The HTML for creating an anchor link is_______.

Question:* The ____ shortcut puts keyboard focus in the search box.

Question:* Users could be invited to 1.0 wikis through _______.

Question:* The _______ link on your wiki allows you to access a list of your files and rename or delete them.

Question:* What is the wiki shortcut to insert a link?

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